
Soft errors caused by particles strike in combinational parts of digital circuits are a major concern in the design of reliable circuits. Several techniques have been presented to protect combinational logic and reduce the overall circuit Soft Error Rate (SER). Such techniques, however, typically come at the cost of significant area and performance overheads. This paper presents a low area and zero-delay overhead method to protect digital circuits’ combinational parts against particles strike. This method is made up of a combination of two sub-methods: (1) a SER estimation method based on signal probability, called Estimation by Characterizing Input Patterns (ECIP) and (2) a protection method based on gate sizing, called Weighted and Timing Aware Gate Sizing (WTAGS). Unlike the previous techniques that either overlook internal nodes signal probability or exploit fault injection, ECIP computes the sensitivity of each gate by analytical calculations of both the probability of transient pulse generation and the probability of transient pulse propagation; these calculations are based on signal probability of the whole circuit nodes which make ECIP much more accurate as well as practical for large circuits. Using the results of ECIP, WTAGS characterizes the most sensitive gates to efficiently allocate the redundancy budget. The simulation results show the SER reduction of about 40% by applying the proposed method to ISCAS’89 benchmark circuits while imposing no delay overhead and 5% area overhead.

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