
The article describes methodological approaches to expanding the possibilities of using the sociometric method of conducting a marketing study of the interaction of subjects of the marketing mechanism on the example of food safety management for school-age children. The requirements to be observed when conducting sociometric assessment are disclosed. The form of a sociometric card is presented, which serves as a tool for conducting a survey of experts; important indicators that characterize the state of the research object are based on the compilation of the card's content. In order to determine the state of interaction of the subjects of the marketing mechanism, a sociogram was compiled indicating the deviation, mutual deviation, choice and mutual choice of marketing subjects. The article describes the methodology for calculating individual sociometric indices (diagnostic indicators), including indices of sociometric status, expansiveness, isolation. On the basis of the calculations carried out, an assessment of the level of well-being of the interaction of subjects was carried out, a new approach to determining the sociometric status of marketing subjects was proposed according to the criteria obtained in the course of generalizing the sociomatrix. The traditional food safety management system for school-age children provides for the development of state programs and its implementation through the state education system. The results of sociometric research prove that this approach is the least effective. The existing system requires the active involvement of the category of "leaders" (family, manufacturers, retail), which is possible through the introduction of a marketing mechanism. On the basis of the results obtained in the course of the study, conclusions were drawn about the need to form new conceptual approaches to the functioning of the child nutrition safety management system. The application of the approach described in the article to assessing the interaction of marketing subjects forms an information base for developing a program aimed at increasing the coordination of joint actions of marketing subjects, the effectiveness of their interaction and increasing the likelihood of achieving the desired results, determines the practical value of the results and the possibility of their application in various markets.

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