
Sociology is an unusual science. Many authors call its current state “paradoxical”, other authors speak about the crisis of this science. The article presents sociology as a project of the modern era. This interpretation can explain many of the contradictions and eclectic results of its development.Sociology as a project initiated by O. Comte was to combine social philosophy and empiricism. The latter was represented by socio-economic statistics and surveys, which were carried out in accordance with common sense by representatives of the state and other people. The project was aimed to create from these elements, different in nature, an integral science, built on the principles of natural sciences,i.e. representing a single hierarchy — from the most general ideas to concrete calculations.This project failed. The article discusses the reasons for this situation and different results of the project.The results of the sociological project can be conditionally divided into five groups: 1) “small” particular laws that say little about society as a whole; 2) specific methods of empirical research that yield accurate results in the fields of politics, marketing, human resource management, etc.; 3) the results achieved by deterministic theories; 4) sociological antinomies; 5)“negative results, which are also results” and lead to the comprehension of the fact, that there are some areas of social reality, to which scientific methods are radically inapplicable. Despite the fact that the goal of the project turned out to be unattainable, these results must be treated with reverence, because they are the work of outstanding scientists who called themselves sociologists, and some of them are really able to improve people’s lives. Today sociology is losing its monopoly on the production of useful knowledge about society, and its structure is beginning to be something like an exhibition of ideas in social philosophy and achievements in empirical studies of society.


  • Как это происходило тысячелетия до провозглашения социологии, теоретические размышления об обществе и эмпирические его исследования всегда шли и будут идти параллельными путями

  • Даже признанные мэтры социологии нашего века никогда не будут обладать амбициями Конта, Дюркгейма и всех иных реализаторов социологического проекта по части создания всеобщей доктрины, логически непротиворечиво соединяющей теорию и практику во всех сферах жизни, во все времена и во всех национально-культурных контекстах

  • Завершение социологии как проекта эпохи модерна и фрагментарность достигнутых социологами результатов не должны смущать или пугать ученых в эпоху постмодерна

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Все инициаторы социологии как науки верили, что этих маленьких фактов, как кирпичиков, достаточно для того, чтобы создать большое полноценное здание науки об обществе. Как это происходило тысячелетия до провозглашения социологии, теоретические размышления об обществе и эмпирические его исследования всегда шли и будут идти параллельными путями.

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