
A questionnaire for oilseed rape growers in the 2002–2003 growing season was disseminated in six European countries (Estonia, Finland, Germany, Poland, Sweden and the United Kingdom). The main aims of the questionnaire were to study growers` cropping practices, their knowledge of and attitudes towards integrated pest management (IPM) and the constraints to changing their growing practices. In total, 1005 replies were obtained for analysis. Europe‐wide, only the pollen beetle (Brassicogethes aeneus) required control measures by most growers (64.5%), in the growing season 2002–2003. The number of insecticide spray treatments were typically 0–4 per season, ranging from an average of 1.0 in Sweden and Finland to 2.6 in Poland. Spraying frequency was the same for conventional and IPM farmers (1.65 sprays/season), but in Finland and Poland farmers using IPM sprayed more often than farmers using conventional practices. Factors affecting farmers’ spray patterns were analysed, and these were affected by farm size, farmer age, number of decision making criteria applied, and the source of information concerning pest management. In addition, constraints and motivations to change farming practices were analysed. Several factors were identified, but surprisingly, in all countries, there was a group of 10–20% of farmers who would not want to start using IPM, even when it would improve their profits and would not cause any more work than their current conventional practice.

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