
Goal No. 11 in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is to make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable, with targets by 2030, ensure access for all to adequate, safe and affordable housing and basic services and upgrade slums. Affordability of housing will depend on the following factors Sastra and Marlina: (1) Per capita income; (2) education level; (3) socio-economic; and (4) political and security situation. According to Turner there is a link between a person’s socioeconomic conditions with the priority scale of living needs and priority housing needs, and for low-income people, the shape and quality of the house occupies the last fulfillment priority. Are socio-economic factors can influence the preference for living in low-cost housing? This research aims to determine the magnitude of the influence of socioeconomic factors on the preferences of residents of simple rental flats and what socioeconomic factors most influence the preferences of residents and their correlation with other factors. The method uses mixed methods, these are between qualitative and quantitative methods. Collecting data through direct observation activities on the object of research, and distributing questionnaires to 146 samples of respondents of all rusunawa in Bandung City, Indonesia. The results of this study, the correlation analysis concluded that a strong factor in the relationship between the preferences of respondents who occupy low-cost housing is the rental price and income.

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