
Katoba culture as one form of local wisdom Muna society contains many positive values that need to be preserved and developed. The positive values include the religious, social, political, economic, and historical values. This study addressed the relating socio-cultural values learning with appropriate conceptual of Social Science for Elementary school curriculum. Because one of the goals of this study is to develop learning materials Social Science- Elementary school to enhance the knowledge, attitudes and skill students against local culture (Katoba) in effort to mastery the subject matter of Social Science- Elementary school. Therefore, in the development learning materials will be integrated with relevant local cultural values. The relevant local cultural values (Katoba) curriculum of Social Science- Elementary school is the social values, culture, economics, politics/history and art/creativity and religion. In addition, the integration of social values in learning katoba cultural, Social Science through cooperative approaches with clarification in terms of the value of learning according to permendiknas No. 41/2007-th model is relevant to theories of learning and the learning model is selected. Through the stages of Social Science learning model development that are expected to improve the results of the study (koginitif), strengthen the appreciation and attitude of the students towards the local culture (katoba). This emphasis on the process of the learners how to learn through reconstruction, find, acquire knowledge and develop social values of cultural katoba, that is believed or understood and served as a pattern of behaviour guidelines in social life. The learning process is in line with the emphasis on the ideal character education of self-reliance human (moral autonomy) in a neighbourhood, community, nation, and state.

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