
The purpose of the article is to determine the social communication resources of cultural information tomake a civilizational and ideological choice, to choose the way of thinking, and value priorities by consumersof information. To achieve the purpose, the main objectives: one shall justify the view of cultural informationas a combination of documentary and factual information that, during communicative interaction, exercisesa synergistic influence on public consciousness; establish the main components of the theory of memes by R.Dawkins; reveal the influence of cultural information on cognitive and behavioral resources of informationconsumers through replication of memes. The methodology consists of using general scientific methods andunique methods: analysis, synthesis, logical method, method of visualization of research results, analogymethod. The scientific novelty of the work consists in the fact that the paper has suggested considering culturalinformation as a combination of documentary and factual information, which during the communicativeinteraction exercises a synergistic influence on the public consciousness. Conclusions. Communicationprocesses underlie the memes spread that affect not only the formation of the way of thinking, outlook butalso determine the behavior of the recipient. Creating meme complexes, combined by a single generic idea,is accompanied by a synergistic effect of the impact of each meme. That is why information created anddisseminated using multimedia technologies will have maximum psychological appeal, with a psychologicalimpact on all modal channels of sensation. Such a combination of cognitive and behavioral resources ofmeme replication determines their successful application in the context of a meaningful, information war.The strategy of communicative interaction, which is based on the transfer of cultural information from thecommunicant to the recipient through information channels (mass media, social networks), aims to obtain theexpected change in the vector of personal and social characteristics (axiological, cognitive and behavioralpriorities), which is designed to achieve effective influence on public consciousness.


  • Peleshchyshyn Andriy, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of Department of Social Communication and Information Science of SOCIO-COMMUNICATION RESOURCES OF CULTURAL INFORMATION IN MODELING THINKING AND BEHAVIOR OF INFORMATION CONSUMERS

  • The main objectives: one shall justify the view of cultural information as a combination of documentary and factual information that, during communicative interaction, exercises a synergistic influence on public consciousness; establish the main components of the theory of memes by R

  • The scientific novelty of the work consists in the fact that the paper has suggested considering cultural information as a combination of documentary and factual information, which during the communicative interaction exercises a synergistic influence on the public consciousness

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That is why information created and disseminated using multimedia technologies will have maximum psychological appeal, with a psychological impact on all modal channels of sensation Such a combination of cognitive and behavioral resources of meme replication determines their successful application in the context of a meaningful, information war. Обґрунтувати вплив культурної інформації на синергетику когнітивних і біхевіористичних ресурсів споживачів інформації шляхом реплікації мемів. В основі якої є передавання культурної інформації від комуніканта до реципієнта через інформаційні канали (масмедіа, соціальні мережі), має за мету отримання очікуваної зміни вектора особистісних та суспільних характеристик (аксіологічних, когнітивних та біхевіористичних пріоритетів), що проєктується на досягнення ефективного впливу на суспільну свідомість

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