
In this article the authors examine the anthropological, physiological, socio-psychological, medical background happy old age; analyze the data of a number of domestic and foreign experimental work to identify factors, conditions that ensure comfortable livelihoods of the elderly person. Special attention is paid to the role of the sociogerontological competence of managers of the sanatorium and resort sphere in the creation of socio-cultural gerontology centre environment to ensure a happy old age customers, as well as the traditions of the Kuban Cossacks in relation to older people. A separate section of the article is devoted to the development of the Institute of foster families for older people in the Krasnodar region. Significant place in the article devoted to the analysis of various areas of professional activity of specialists of social service agencies within the community to enhance the revitalization of the manifestation of older people in different types of cultural and educational activities. The article reveals the essence and content of the concept of "socio-gerontological competence of the specialist institution of social service of the population". The authors examine the nature and structural components of the socio-cultural environment gerontology centre (pension) sanatorium profile, which is a special kind of communicative space of the Board, determining its existence and prospects of development as a specialized Agency for the elderly.

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