
Rock quarry provides needed materials used in the road and building construction thus has significant impact on the economy. The aim of this investigation is to look into the socio-economics and health impact of the quarry sites on the surrounding locations in Ogun State. Two hundred copies of structured questionnaire were administered to elicit socio-economic, health, and environmental impact information in eight locations, namely Isara, Igodo, Ilagbe, Baaki Ake, Adelokun, Idode, Ogbere, and Iwaye; while reported diseases data were collected from six Local Government Areas (LGAs) health centres. Data collected were subjected to both inferential and differential statistics using a statistical package for science (SAS 94.0) version. The diseases commonly suffered by the residents were insomnia (34.8 %) Iwaye (Ijebu North east LGA), malaria (63.6 %) Ogbere (Ijebu East LGA), catarrh (40.9 %) Kajola (Owode/Obafemi LGA), skin irritation (46.7 %) Isara (Remo LGA), headache (42.1 %) and cough (31.6 %) Odeda (Odeda LGA),. The environmental impacts of quarrying activities revealed that nearby residents were negatively affected while their economic status was better. In conclusion, the environmental and health impacts of quarrying activities revealed that nearby residents were negatively affected.

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