
Objective: The general objective is to study the impacts of various socio economic and demographic factors on the dynamics of last birth interval of the Manipuri women. Methods/Analysis: 1452 eligible women having at least two pregnancies in her life time were selected with the help of stratified random sampling with proportional allocation at four districts of Manipur valley. The collected data were analyzed with the statistical tools like ANOVA one way and Cox's proportional hazard model. Findings: By applying ANOVA one way, age at marriage of wife (F=2.038), parity (F=2.089) and Islamic religion (F=4.061) were found significant at 5 percent and 1 percent. In case of Proportional hazard model, only source of income and Islamic religion were found significant at 5 percent and 1 percent without controlling the effects of others. The finding will be useful in providing base line information to the researchers and planners. Improvement/Application: Few of the women in the study marry too early or too late. So, it is required to give awareness about the disadvantages of early as well as late marriage. Meanwhile, women of Islamic have short birth interval. It is also required to give health awareness to the eligible women. There is need for in-depth research in this field also.

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