
The article deals with the phenomenon of Oleg Tymoshenko's creative work in the context of its unique integrity. It proves that the socio-cultural orientation of the Master lies in the multidimensionality of his activities as a person, leader, choral conductor, patriot, public figure, scientist, teacher. It covers the basic principles of Tymoshenko’s life, his artistic practice and pedagogical activity. It was found out that the main vector of his life was always aimed at developing a future conductor-choirmaster – a person of spacious mind, who is clearly aware of the high sociocultural potential of choral art as an artistic and aesthetic phenomenon. Conducting and choral art is analyzed as a complex functional-artistic and socio-cultural structure in the interaction of three subjects – the conductor-choirmaster, choir, and audience. The article outlines the evolution of Ukrainian national choral art from its origins to the music of contemporary composers. It demonstrates that in the 1980s and 1990s there was a return to the religious, spiritual, and traditional foundations of Ukrainian choral art, an appeal to eternal moral and ethical values. The choral cycle “My Native Land” by L. Dychko, dedicated to Oleg Tymoshenko, is analyzed. The characteristic features of the socio-cultural orientation of the conductor-choirmaster are determined in the article. The research outlines the history of the cycle creation and the motivation to dedicate it to Oleg Semenovych Tymoshenko. The paper considers the figurative and semantic content of the work, its dramaturgy, symbolism, which is indicated in the musical and verbal texts. It emphasizes the ideological, religious and spiritual depth of the choral cycle «My native land», closeness to the archaic, folklore beginning. The paper proves the universality and significance of Tymoshenko's conducting and choral activity, because its uniqueness lies in the fact that in the process of individual creative, pedagogical and civic self-realization he enriched the world of Ukrainian musical culture and formed a new personal dimension in understanding philosophy of life.

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