
In the pre-school period, the child experiences dynamic changes in the development of language and speech. Language begins to play an increasing role in shaping individuality. The child has a need for self-expression through socially meaningful peer-to-peer communication. The need for self-expression becomes a significant motivation for searching forms of personality realization and for satisfying the need for communication.The problem of self-knowledge has been the subject of scientists for millennia.According to Maya Lisina and Ivan Dimitrov, the main source from which we obtain knowledge about ourselves is the experience gained in our activities: the practice - a criterion of truth, but the collective activity is of greater important here. In the process of working with other people, children are provided with the best opportunity to discover their own abilities: they can compare their success with the success of others; they can understand the attitudes of other people towards them; and, in particular, they can discuss with others their achievements and shortcomings."Communion is the most important way of self-knowledge, and the proper perception of oneself, in turn, influences communication by aiding its deepening and strengthening" [1].Communicativeness necessarily requires respect for the principle of situational awareness in organizing the educational process. Thus, the problem of creating a communicative situation is crucial in organizing the modern learning process."The communicative and action-oriented approach to developing speech does not always and necessarily require "copying" natural communication, but only the use certain features and principles of real communication in order to make education successful and effective" [2] .The communication process at this age is spontaneous and voluntary. Children come into contact with the surrounding social environment as complete, free and initiative individuals. The conveying and receiving of information becomes self-expression and self-development, and the result of this process is self-actualization. By communicating, children acquire self-knowledge, they compare themselves with the significant personalities from their social environment, and they analyze their actions and update their knowledge. The obtained life experience and vocabulary are prerequisites for a higher level of communication.Often, however, some children are found to be reluctant to communicate and passive. This is caused by impulse suppression and leads to dissatisfaction due to difficulties in finding partners for cooperative activities. These processes lead to reduced activeness and motivation and are a serious prerequisite for problems in the development of children's individuality and can negatively affect the transition to the forthcoming social role of a student. Communication deficiency could adversely affect both the mental and physical health of children.Such negative tendencies, unfortunately, are observed ever more often in pedagogical practice, and there is a wide range of causes for their development.

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