
The development of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Indonesia is increasingly rapid, this requires the existence of integrated handling in order to compete in the business world. Increasing competition makes SMEs must have an effective strategy. One strategy in the field of production management is good management of maintenance. Community service activities carried out in the South Meruya attended by 24 participants, the activity took place with an explanation relating to the Socialization & Training of Maintenance Management in Production at SMEs. Material related to Production Maintenance Management and production maintenance management processes. This training is an activity related to community economic empowerment through maintenance strategy training in SMEs business competition. In order to support the economic empowerment efforts of community counseling and training on Operational Strategies in SMEs business competition through residents who live in partner villages, it will help partner citizens know how to create maintenance strategies in SMEs business competition to improve community welfare. For this reason, this activity will provide training and assistance in operational strategies in SMEs business competition, so that partners are able to apply them in managing their business activities. The outputs that are expected to be realized from this activity are: 1. Development of knowledge of operational maintenance strategies in SMEs business competition in the residents of partner villages; 2. The formation of social care groups to make operational strategies in SMEs business competition in village.

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