
The objective of present research is comprehensive study related to 5G technology of mobile communication for year 2020 in Indian prospective. The European and American forums started thinking seriously about the next generation of wireless and mobile communication for 2020. A European forum named METIS, Mobile and wireless communications Enablers for the Twenty-twenty (2020). Information Society started working on funded project to identify the 5G future scenarios especially in European environment. METIS funded project also involves many leading technology companies. The guidelines decided by these projects will become basis of shape of fifth generation of wireless technologies. The 4G concept shave already moved to standardization phase, we must begin to work on the building blocks of the 5G networks.5G technology will provide low battery consumption, more secure features and 4A's paradigm ie any rate, anytime, anywhere and affordable. There is a need to study local scenarios and information technology related local demand to give a direction to 5G technology development. The future technology is required to be indigenous, capable to handle local social and economic issues so that use of Information technology may be able to address our issues more effectively. Presently, most of the Europe and USA may not be compared with India, China and third world. Better infrastructure, better economy and less population are some features of Europe and USA. There challenges are different and they develop technology for their growth. In most of the cases we adopt it large cost. Applying technologies in core and routed social aspect is big challenge for nation like India. As our technology and our needs and wants are different from front runners, we need to design the technology more judiciously and economically. We need a technology which enables poor person percentage to grow fast. In this view, we have indentified our own scenario and technological requirement to implement 5th generation of mobile and wireless technologies.

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