The subject of the article is theoretical-methodological and methodical aspects of the science of economic security and its social subsystem. The aim of the article is to reveal the essence and substantiation of the theoretical foundations of the science of economic security, to determine the main subsystems of the science of economic security and to consider its social component. The methodological basis of the article were both general and special methods of scientific knowledge. The article used scientific research methods: dialectical – to substantiate the definition apparatus and the content of theoretical positions; abstract-logical – to determine the essence of the science of economic security; hypothetical-deductive – to build basic working hypotheses; system-structural analysis and synthesis – to identify the composition of the main subsystems and the disclosure of the social subsystem of the science of economic security.Results of work. The article considers the theoretical foundations and essence of the science of economic security. Ten basic elements of the structure of the category "economic security" are identified and disclosed. There are four main subsystems of economic security: methodological and instrumental, empirical and theoretical, information and communication and social subsystems. The social subsystem of the science of economic security, which is characterized by the social potential of science, the share of scientists in the professional structure of society, is analyzed.Field of application of results. The conclusions and results obtained in the article should be used in scientific activities and further research of topical issues of the science of economic security, in the educational and scientific process of higher education institutions in training specialists in the specialty 8.18010014 "Management of financial and economic security" in the field of financial and economic security of the state, region, economic entities of various forms of ownership. Conclusions. Security is a general historical and social category that encompasses the entire history and future of mankind, is crucial for the existence of both the individual and society at any level. Economic security studies the patterns of effective security of economic systems at all levels, timely detection, prevention and neutralization of real and potential, internal and external threats to economic interests of relevant actors. Economic security as a polysystem phenomenon has: methodological-instrumental, empirical-theoretical, information-communicative and social subsystems. The social potential of science is important part of the science.
Ключевые слова: безопасность, национальная безопасность, экономическая безопасность, экономические интересы, угрозы, экономическая безпекология, подсистемы экономической безпекологии, социальная подсистема
The social subsystem of the science of economic security, which is characterized by the social potential of science, the share of scientists in the professional structure of society, is analyzed
The conclusions and results obtained in the article should be used in scientific activities and further research of topical issues of the science of economic security, in the educational and scientific process of higher education institutions in training specialists in the specialty 8.18010014 «Management of financial and economic security» in the field of financial and economic security of the state, region, economic entities of various forms of ownership
Зовнішня; реальна, потенційна; постійна, тимчасова; пряма, непряма; об’єктивна, суб’єктивна; керована, некерована; періодична, систематична тощо. Макроекономічна, фінансова, виробнича, енергетична, інвестиційно-інноваційна, продовольча, соціальна, трудоресурсна, зовнішньоекономічна тощо
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