
In this scientific article features of the social status of territorial local teachers of the Russian Empire in the second half of XIX – the beginning of the XX centuries are considered (based on materials of the Vyatka province). Within the social status the financial, legal status of teachers and a working condition against the deep analysis of specifics of the studied era are considered. After reform of 1864 there were concepts zemstvo, territorial and territorial teacher that strongly changed structure and the form of government schools of the Ministry of national education and position of teachers in the Russian province as many schools were transferred under management of communities. In this regard the special attention in historical science is paid to problems of the status of school teachers in public life of the Russian Empire in the second half of XIX – the beginning of the XX centuries, i.e. during the post-reform period. During research the author comes to a conclusion that territorial teachers of the Vyatka province held low position in a social ladder in connection with a difficult financial and legal status and difficult working conditions. These circumstances led to that territorial teachers began to be involved in the revolutionary organizations and became their active participants. The deep analysis of various published and unpublished historical sources is provided in this work – office work documentation, data of periodicals, assembly materials, statistical data.

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