
The relevance of the study is due to the growing positive interest in the Semashko model in modern Russia from the “medical” and “historical” parts of the scientific community, medical specialists, the population of Russia and the state. The article uses general documents, speech by top public officials, official statistics. The overthrow of the Semashko model in early post-Soviet Russia was due to public demand for market-oriented models, epidemiological transit. However, new circumstances (a new public demand for socially oriented models, a new epidemiological wave, as well as a permanent shortage of personnel and underfunding) forced the state to turn again to the experience of the Semashko model. A new epidemiological wave has raised questions: on the return to the centralization of management and financing and on the re-optimization of epidemiological resources. The official authorities proposed to centralize the management of the sanitary and epidemiological service and the means of compulsory health insurance (CHI) in the budget of the Federal Health Insurance Fund. It is also planned to expand the epidemiological base through the construction of new hospitals, increase the staff of epidemiologists and infectious diseases doctors.

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