
The article examines the models of health insurance in Western countries. A comparative analysis of forms of social insurance and sources of financing payments for four models of medical insurance is carried out. The practical aspects of the functioning of compulsory health insurance in Germany are investigated, its positive features are revealed. Attention is paid to medical insurance, which provides insurance in case of loss of health for any reason. It provides greater accessibility, quality and completeness to meet the diverse needs of the population in the provision of medical services, and is more effective than government funding of the health care system. In addition, the social and economic efficiency of health insurance related to reimbursement of citizens' expenses related to receiving medical care, as well as other expenses aimed at maintaining health, depends on how comprehensively the concept of developing insurance medicine in the country has been worked out. The positive and negative aspects of health insurance are analyzed. The forms of health insurance are considered: compulsory health insurance and voluntary health insurance. It was found that one of the first countries where health insurance was introduced was Germany. There are two types of health insurance in Germany: public and private. Germany's state health insurance is compulsory. That is, every employee, as well as persons trained in production (Auszubildende), are subject to compulsory state health insurance and must be members of one of their freely chosen state health insurance funds. At the same time, if a person wishes to receive medical services that are not included in the list of compulsory health insurance, he can conclude a supplementary health insurance contract with the insurance company. Voluntary health insurance allows you to choose an inpatient medical institution and the conditions of stay in it, special services of a personal physician.

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