
Introduction: Social Participation in Water Management and Governance Part I: Participation and Indigenous Water Governance 1. Participation of the Timbisha Shoshone Tribe in Land and Water Management Decisions in Death Valley National Park, California and Nevada, U.S. 2. For Whom the Turbines Turn: Indigenous Citizens as Legitimate Stakeholders in the Brazilian Amazon Part II: Participation and the Dynamics of Gender in Water Management 3. Gender and Participation in a Rural Water-Supply Organization in Rajasthan, India 4. Gendered Dynamics of Participation in Water Management in Nepal and Peru: Revisiting the Linkages between Membership and Power Part III: Participation and River Basin Governance 5. Social Participation in French Water Management: Contributions to River Basin Governance and New Challenges 6. Social Participation in Mexican River Basin Organizations: The Resilience of Coalitions 7. From a Participative Framework to Communities' Realities: The Challenges of Implementing Stakeholder Involvement in Quebec Watershed Management, Canada Part IV: Participation and Implementation of Water Management 8. Social Participation in the Irrigation Sector in Yunnan, China: Roles of the State, User Associations, and Communities 9. Participation in Water Resource and Service Governance in South Africa: Caught in the Acts 10. The Role of Locally-Managed Water Aid: Effective Partnerships in Sri Lanka 11. The Public's Role as Stakeholder in the Yarqon River Authority, Israel Part V: Participation and the Politics of Governance 12. Water Rights and Rule-Making Justice as Fruits of Social Struggle in the Ecuadorian Andes 13. Water Management Practices on Trial: The Tribunal Latinoameicano del Agua and the Creation of Public Space for Social Participation in Water Politics 14. The Local Application of Global Sustainable and Participatory Development Norms in Turkish Dams 15. Conclusions

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