
Gender stereotypes are still present in society and tend to privilege certain groups. Prejudice, discrimination, sexist norms, pressure, low valuation are some of the obstacles that women must face since an early age and affect them in the professional stage. Although they have the same creative potential as men, there are fewer eminent female creators in most diverse domains. In this theoretical essay, we analyzed biographies and investigations about those who were recognized for their creative contributions in socially valued domains. It is argued that overcoming gender barriers may have favored their motivation, determination, non-conventionality, as well as adding diversified resources for creative ideas. Nevertheless, the path to gender equity in creative recognition and social justice must not involve teaching women to benefit from overcoming barriers, but rather tearing them down. Considering creativity in a systemic perspective, it is necessary to change domains and fields. There will be more women recognized as creative when we manage to break gender stereotypes, favoring the openness of the domains and the impartiality of the fields.

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