
The development of information and communication technology has brought many changes to human life. Currently, everyone has easy and simple access to connect to the internet and interact through various social media. Social media with its many features can not only be used as a communication tool but also can be used in other functions. One is that it can be used as a tool in digital learning. The use of social media as a tool for presenting digital educational or learning content can help enrich more learning content, expand learning materials, and provide opportunities to share information easily and engagingly. The purpose of this study is to examine the use of internet-based social media in educational settings. The approach used is a systematic literature review by collecting literature from data sources Scopus and Google Scholar, sorting, and presenting them according to the topic of discussion. The results are that using social media tools in learning has a positive impact. There are challenges in using social media, namely aspects of personal data security and dependency problems. However, all of this can be anticipated if there is a collaboration between teachers and students in using social media effectively and responsibly.

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