
One of the trends in the development of criminological science at the present stage is the study of the possibilities of using the Internet to prevent crime, and in particular, such an element as social Internet networks. It should be noted that the Internet is actively changing our lives and imagining the modern world without social networks becomes virtually impossible.The negative sides of social networks include: open distribution of confidential information; the ability to deal with inappropriate content (violence, offenses, etc.); the likelihood of the use of personal information by third parties in order to obtain the benefit; cybercrime; the possibility of coordinating the activities of criminal gangs, etc.It should be noted that social networks are quite actively used in the United States to prevent crime. The main directions of this work are: direct placement of information on crime prevention in social networks; development of blogs; chat organization; creation of digital media files, for example, in the form of lectures; dissemination of information on various crime prevention measures in social networks.Thus, the use of social networking websites to prevent crime is one of the current trends in the development of criminological science. This is also evidenced by international experience. In particular, it is expedient to use the entire spectrum of opportunities of social Internet networks to increase the level of prevention of crime, in particular: the conduct of specialized blogs; creating audio and video files of a pre- ventive nature; monitoring of criminological relevant information, etc.

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