
Studies reveal that a major weakness in the Indian economy is that the growth is not perceived as being sufficiently inclusive for many groups, especially SCs and STs. Hence, exclusion of women in general and dalit women in particular has become the issue of concern recent years and complementary to this microfinance through self help groups proving good in including the excluded section of the society in to the broad platform of social inclusion. However, there is another group of studies questions this argument and opine that self help groups succeeded in financial inclusion but not succeeded fully in accelerating social inclusion of women. With this background the paper is prepared with objectives of examining the impact of Self Help Groups on social inclusion of women; To analyse the problem faced by the dalit women and suggest policy prescriptions. The study was conducted in Dakshina Kannada and Udupi district of Karnataka State. The social inclusion of SHG members is observed in terms of involvement of dalit women in decision making process both in family and SHG matters, type of entrepreneurial activity undertaken, positions held in SHGs etc,. The study suggests that dalit women also supported to take important positions in the SHG’s Special attention should be given to SC, ST members to undertake IGA. Dalit women should be motivated to join women organization, and directions should be given to animators of all the promoters to involve dalit women members before taking to the important decisions of SHG’s operation.

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