
INTRODUCCIO. El proposit de l’article es identificar les habilitats de lideratge de directors d’escoles primaries i la seva relacio amb els nivells d’assoliment que han obtingut els alumnes de les seves escoles. METODE. Es va aplicar una prova d’habilitats de lideratge, formada per seixanta items, a trenta-un directors de trenta-una escoles primaries de l’estat de Tabasco, Mexic. El mostreig es va estratificar per quotes i les dades es van desagregar segons tres nivells d’assoliment educatiu: alt, mitja i baix. RESULTAT. L’habilitat de lideratge mes forta en els directors de les escoles dels tres nivells d’assoliment va ser la comprensio o capacitat d’entendre els altres, i la mes feble va ser l’ambicio. S’observa que la capacitat d’entendre els altres no garanteix un lideratge efectiu si no va acompanyat d’altres factors, com ara la creacio compartida d’una visio que inclogui tots els membres de la comunitat educativa, la motivacio per desenvolupar-la de manera col·laborativa, i la gestio i administracio de l’escola. DISCUSSIO. Els resultats son utils per entendre de quina manera el context sociocultural influeix en les habilitats i els estils de lideratge que els directors escolars mostren en les escoles que dirigeixen.


  • An increasing amount of research on school leadership has been conducted in recent years, because school principals play an important role in the educational achievements of their institutions, the learning outcomes and the organisation of the education centres

  • According to a survey carried out by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (2009) on the educational systems of 22 countries, a successful school needs effective leadership, administration and management. These results are supported by multiple international-level studies that have demonstrated the relevance of the role of school principals in the good performance of schools, as well as the fact that, when the leadership of the principals is effective, the improvements in student learning become evident (Guzmán, Pérez & Hernández, 2016; López, Slater & García, 2010)

  • The main objective of this research is to study the leadership skills of 31 primary school principals in the state of Tabasco in Mexico, and detect any correlations between these skills and the levels of achievement obtained by their schools, in order to identify common skills shared by the principals whose schools have obtained high educational results

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An increasing amount of research on school leadership has been conducted in recent years, because school principals play an important role in the educational achievements of their institutions, the learning outcomes and the organisation of the education centres. According to a survey carried out by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (2009) on the educational systems of 22 countries, a successful school needs effective leadership, administration and management. These results are supported by multiple international-level studies that have demonstrated the relevance of the role of school principals in the good performance of schools, as well as the fact that, when the leadership of the principals is effective, the improvements in student learning become evident (Guzmán, Pérez & Hernández, 2016; López, Slater & García, 2010). It has been found that, in the day-to-day running of schools in practice, when effectively encouraged by the principal, a good teacher or team of teachers in a poorly equipped school in a very marginal community can achieve learning outcomes equivalent to those of the best-equipped schools in the most privileged contexts

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