
Abstract. The problem that Indonesia is currently facing is the incidence of stunting in children. The mother's mindset and support system, namely the family, especially the husband, is one of the causes of difficulties in giving breast milk to babies. This also influences the mother's initiation of breastfeeding from an early age or commonly known as Early Breastfeeding Initiation (IMD). This type of research is quantitative with a descriptive, retrospective study approach. The sampling technique used incidental sampling, namely 30 pregnant women according to the criteria at the Poasia Health Center, Kendari City KIA Polyclinic. The research was conducted in June - August 2018. The majority of respondents were involved in social organization activities, namely 70% (21 people), 20% (66 people) did not benefit from social activities, and had good relationships with other people, namely 100% (30 people), have good family ties, which is 100% (30 people), have a good relationship with the head of the family, which is 100% (30 people). Social factors and family attachment (kinship and social factors), show that mothers who have carried out Early Breastfeeding Initiation, namely providing support in terms of information and decision making, are influenced by several factors including Social Organizational Activities, the mother's relationship with other people and Family Attachment at the Poasia Health Center .

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