
The article argues that enterprises that develop the tourism sector in rural territorial communities have the characteristics of social enterprises and meet the threefold criterion – they ensure the well-being of residents of rural settlements. Ukrainian legislation gives local governments broad powers to plan and finance tourism activities, but their capacities are very limited as most rural budgets are subsidized. It is possible to promote tourism in rural communities only if the majority of residents are aware of all the benefits and responsibilities associated with this activity. The article confirms that uncontrolled exploitation of natural resources can lead to their irreversible depletion. The example of ski resorts shows that the practice of a single economic activity for the whole area poses a threat to local communities, as the well-being of residents becomes very dependent on natural and climatic conditions. The article emphasizes that the maximum use of available local resources is an important factor in the success of social entrepreneurship in tourism at the level of rural communities. In order to avoid conflicts when planning business, it is necessary to take into account the natural and anthropic resources of each community and compare the forms of their use with local values and traditions. Differences in the results of the impact on the local community as a result of the activities of the classic and social tourism enterprise on its territory are analyzed. The main vectors of the impact of social entrepreneurship in tourism on the social aspects of rural areas are highlighted.

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