
This article is intended to support social competence aesthetic education of sports industry managers’ relevance and controversy in the context of the globalization challenges. Based on past and contemporary philosophers and educators point of view, discusses the role of aesthetic education in personality development process. Actualized approach to the sports industry managers’ aesthetic education social competence science. In the discourse context of the fundamentality and innovation, analyzed the essential ideas of aesthetic education related to certain sports industry managers’ social competencies in education process, the role of structural components and specific definitions. Social competence - the behavior and its forms, which the student must be mastered in order to participate in social life, to adapt to different social contexts / requirements (university, family, society), and efficient and constructive resolution of conflicts. By stimulating social competence, students respect and tolerate different cultural, social and age groups, both genders, are aware of their and others rights and obligations, see themselves as a member of community and society. The expressed opinions justify the relevance of the topic, because managers are in direct contact with service users and highlighting the fact that in Lithuania there is not found scientific articles analyzing tourism and sport managers aesthetic education, therefore this study reinforces the relevance of the topic. There is a fundamental problem question – are graduates coming to businesses aesthetically educated? How social competence - the behavior and its forms, which the students must be mastered in order to participate in the life of an enterprise, to adapt to different social contexts, and able to resolve conflicts effectively and constructively. Knowing the answers to these questions, training in educational institution can help to ensure the proper future development of sport manager's social competence education that enables them to enter the labor market? In order to answer problematic question, the assumption raised that in the university studies in tourism and sport management, social competence is necessary.

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