
The purpose of the paper is to shed light on the social and personal experiences of the front-line service providers in a pandemic situation with a view to extend the service triangle model which doesn't employ the social dimension of service delivery. This research pursues the exploratory research approach as it tries to propose a new insight into a service delivery model. The paper is developed based on archival method. The major national newspapers of the country have been scanned to find out the issues of front liners during the first three months of the COVID-19 outbreak. The people like the doctors and nurses who have to come in direct contact with COVID-19 patients have to face dual pressure: pressure from their job responsibilities and pressure from social and family life. They found inadequate support for the health service producers from their workplace and society, which cause person-role conflict. This paper concludes that the need for social support for the health service providers is crucial in delivering adequate health service during a pandemic.

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