
The article examines the essence of social responsibility of business and its role in the development of the national economy, in facilitating the solution of social problems at various stages of ethical views formation regarding the organization of business, both in the world and in Ukraine. Peculiarities of the manifestation of social responsibility in different territories of our country, which in certain historical periods were part of different countries, are studied. It is revealed the influence of national culture and worldview, as well as political circumstances and restrictions on the identification and self-expression of Ukrainians in various aspects of social life, including economic one, on the formation of economic and socially responsible centers, the main goal of which is the support and social protection of the Ukrainian population, the revival of the economy and education in Galicia. The traditions of Ukrainian patronage, thanks to which the population of Left-bank Ukraine revived their language, culture, writing and painting, and had access to educational and medical services are mentioned. The negative impact of the colonial enslavement of Ukraine by the Soviet Union on the development of social responsibility is considered, primarily due to the destruction of the institution of private property and the introduction of command-administrative management methods. That later served as one of the reasons for the emergence of such processes as shadow economy, corruption, unscrupulous business conduct, tax evasion, non-compliance with legislation, and thus violation of the basic principles of ethics and social responsibility of business at the first stages of the revival of the national economy of Ukraine. However, the article substantiates those similar negative processes took place in most of the modern economically developed countries of the world, during the period when they passed the stage of «wild capitalism», which lasted until the second quarter of the 20th century. Ukrainian society passed this stage in a very quick period, in ten years. And already in 2000, Ukrainian business began to revive ancient Ukrainian traditions of patronage and moved to the next stage of the formation of social responsibility of business – local care, and now to full social management. Analyzing the tragic events and challenges faced by Ukrainian society during the modern Russian-Ukrainian war, the article reveals the extraordinary activity, initiative, and variety of social responsibility projects of domestic businesses that operate in various spheres of activity and on various forms of organization. At the same time, the article substantiates the need to improve conditions for doing business, improve legislation and the judicial system, as one of the components of encouraging entrepreneurs to expand their social responsibility.

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