
The article deals with analysis of peculiarities and factors of corporate social responsibility (CSR) implementation in Ukraine by means of following the agenda of most valuable events concerning CSR within business sphere in the post-soviet market development period. Concept of business social responsibility in its core reflects social, historical and socio-cultural requests for social partnership between state, society and business achievement. The problem is still in the slow but advancing movement for choose and acceptance of certain CSR pattern, revealing a need of proper comparable analyses of CSR development in different countries concerning different socio-cultural and historical contexts as local temporal conditions in the period of market relations establishing in Ukraine. Mainly the necessity of studying and using the valuable international experience of economic modernization with accent on social responsibility together with enlarging the theoretical and methodological resources of CSR is becoming as trigger in elaboration its implementation mechanisms in Ukraine. Research attempt to follow the causes and barriers on the way of realization this function and certain mechanisms for social responsible business formation are presented in the paper.The sociological approach has been applied for research the taken practices of CSR in Ukraine presented the outcome of the qualitative research starting from ‘bottom-up’ impulse for the CSR development in Ukraine opposite to used ‘up-bottom’ CSR vector in other post-soviet countries (Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan). Valuable research result was also workability of ethics component as culturally immanent regarding the motives by Ukrainian businessmen articulation, which gave ground to resume of prevailing the nongovernment initiative in CSR acceptance opposite to another post-soviet countries with prevalent etatism vector.

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