
The article studies the problems connected with peculiarities of the regional sustainability establishment regarding social and economic issues. The author analyzes social and philosophical peculiarities of regional sustainability system, especially important in the conditions of globalization, which has been significantly transforming regional economics. The article demonstrates that regional sustainability in Russia has its own specifics and may become an efficient alternative to negative globalization tendencies of the modern world. Globalization as a natural process of nations' approximation is based on system sustainability, which supposes sustainability of separate structural units especially well observed during the research of regional social institutes. In our opinion, the concept of sustainable is mainly social and can be defined by two of its main features: anthropocentric and biosphere-centric. In a general sense, the anthropocentric sign is understood as the survival of humanity and the ability (possibility) of its further ongoing (stable) long continuous development for our descendants to have the same opportunities as the current generation to meet their needs in natural conditions and ecological environment of the Earth and space. Sustainable development refers to a form of human development when the needs of the present generations are met without doing harm for future generations. Sustainable regional development is a balanced development based on historical traditions and mentality of a particular self-sufficient social unit, thereby providing a continuous, not only socio-economic but also spiritual progress of the society in harmony with others. The study of peculiarities of regional sustainability in the global world supposes implementation of dialectic principles. During the analysis of regionalization, the fact that globalization of politics is expressed in the appeal to the public point of view, is not taken into consideration, while the public point of view is often a subject of different kind of manipulations. The necessity of the regional approach is also explained by the fact that true democracy is not unification and not forced similarity, but the unity in variety, community of the different. According to this approach, the empirically present form of democracy cannot be something single valued. In the meantime, the author highlights that regionalism is not chaotic self-determination of social groups. They develop their own rules. Unfortunately, the modern situation in the society contributes more to the immersion of crowds than to the creative development of the personality. Our consumer civilization generates a threat to the total depersonalization and dehumanization of a person. According to the author, the conception of regionalization obtains specific clarity and intensity in the works of the scholars, who connect real globalization processes with the information stage of the modern research and technology revolution and its real impact on the development of the world

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