
Environmental education, ecological upbringing and ecological activities are an effective means of forming ecological culture and ecological competence of a modern personality. The way to a high level of ecological culture begins with many different paths. Among them, perhaps the most important is the path of ecological education, the formation of ecological thinking. Both are born in the family, develop at school, and together with environmental education at a higher education institution form the foundations of environmental competence, which is extremely necessary for a future specialist. The paper analyzes the phenomenon of socio-ecological family education based on the model of family cooperation with other institutions of educational influence. The system-forming core of analysis and research became the interrelationship of educational, social and environmental functions of the family, which consist in the transfer to children of social experience, knowledge, skills and values necessary for independent life and management in society, ensuring their entry into the system of not only social relations, but also interaction in the human-nature system. The main tasks of socio-ecological education were singled out, which should consist in the revival of the best eco-ethnic traditions of the Ukrainian people in their relationship with the environment, the education of respect and love for native nature, as well as in the awareness of the futility of the technocratic idea of development. The parameters of environmental competence of an individual, in particular a potential specialist, who in the future can professionally deal with management problems, solve problems of rational nature management, are determined. Such indicators should include ecological thinking, the appropriate level of ecological knowledge, an ecological worldview, and eco-moral principles that are combined in the field of ecological culture. The strategy as well as the main tactical tasks of forming the environmental competence of the personality of the future specialist are outlined, which should ensure the formation of integral socio-technological and ecological knowledge and thinking, necessary for making ecologically-based national economic decisions.

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