
Data from the Ministry of Cooperatives explained that 1,785 cooperatives and 163,713 Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) were spreading the coronavirus pandemic (Antara, May 2020). The most limited MSME sector is food and beverage. MSME entrepreneurs feel the decline in sales, lack of capital, and hampered distribution. So that the competition in the culinary field is very tight, as experienced by one of the partners who became the place for Student Creativity Program activities, the Cake Mommy. Lack of knowledge of the owner of the importance of a distinctive visual identity to form consumer loyalty. For this reason, this activity aims to understand the importance of visual identity in trademarks and business logo stickers so that partners can increase the selling value of the products produced. Designing this logo uses the Design Thinking method through data collection, problem finding, research idea, design, and testing. The result of the design is in the form of a logo by combining typography with solid shapes to reflect that this brand is in the culinary field. Using tertiary colours attracts consumers to buy this food, even at a high price. In addition, the author chooses supportive typography, namely sans serif, because it gives the impression of being relaxed, informal, friendly, and approachable. The selection of solid shapes reflects the nature of the challenge and is intense. So that the new logo has an identity that is more reflective of a bakery. In addition, the logo is made simpler, cleaner, and minimalist to make the logo easy to remember and stand out in the eyes of the public.

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