
Morel–Voevodsky’s unstable pointed motivic homotopy category H●(k) over an infinite perfect field is considered. For a smooth affine scheme Y over k, a smooth ind-scheme Fl(Y) and an open subscheme El(Y) are constructed for all l > 0, so that the motivic space Fl(Y)/El(Y) is equivalent in H●(k) to the motivic space $$ {\Omega}_{{\mathrm{\mathbb{P}}}^1}^{\infty}\sum \limits_{{\mathrm{\mathbb{P}}}^1}^{\infty}\left(Y\times {T}^l\right),\kern0.5em T=\left({\mathbbm{A}}^1/{\mathbbm{A}}^1-0\right),\kern0.5em l>0 $$ . The construction is not functorial on the category of affine schemes but is functorial on the category of so-called framed schemes constructed for this purpose.

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