
In May 2019, DG MARE and the JRC published its Blue economy Report. The main focus was on boosting a blue economy, the sustainable use of ocean resources for economic growth, through entrepreneurship, investment, and research and innovation. In order to better understand and illustrate the new opportunities coming from the Blue economy, this report introduces the emergent sector of Blue biotechnology. As one part of the larger Biotechnology sector, dedicated to marine bioresources, it is difficult to clearly define the sector. However, experts agree on the important value of the Blue biotechnology a) to make the existing sector of aquaculture and macroalgae harvesting more efficient and sustainable, and b) to develop new biological products and applications from marine bioresources with uses in energy, cosmetics, nutrition, health or manufacturing. 12 countries and 53 regions in the EU present linkages to the Blue biotechnology in their Smart Specialisation Strategies. A comprehensive screening of EU supported interventions in the current 2014-2020 funding period showed that € 238.6 million of EU funds have been invested in 182 projects and initiatives related to Blue biotechnology with a total budget of EUR 336 million. Smart Specialisation Strategies are a policy instrument which favour the discovery of innovation potential, also in the Blue biotechnology.

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