
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a community development program managed by PT. Otsuka Indonesia, one of which is form a hydroponic farmer community. In the activity of fostering hydroponic farmers there are several problems, namely the process of plant nursery, seeding, and harvesting are still carried out conventionally, while the assisted farmers do not have much time to supervise because they have a core job. Based on these problems, this study will focus on solving the problem of hydroponic plant supervision that can be known directly by farmers and also from the CSR of PT. Otsuka Indonesia. In completing the research, the steps carried out were based on the CRISP-DM (Cross Industry Standard Process for Data Mining) methodology. The factors used in solving the problem are the type of hydroponic plants, the acidity of the soil, the intensity of sunlight, the ambient temperature of the hydroponic plants, the water level and periodic reporting as needed in the form of a Smart Ecosystem. For this reason, it is necessary to build a device from an Arduino microcontroller based on IoT so that supervision of the hydroponic planting process can be done without having to be in hydroponic land and get reports every period of the development of hydroponic plants in the application. By using this device, it is hoped that many hydroponic farmers will use it so that during the hydroponic vegetable production process it can be in accordance with the old standards of the nursery until it is worth selling.

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