
The pieces of information that are being collected from regions of disaster is critical as the rapid deployment of the first responders rely on them. Another critical part of that deployment is the acquisition of different types of information (visual, sounds, and others). Even with that information the rescuing teams still face the difficult task of rescuing humans under debris. Some of the constraints that make this task harder are the wrecked building’s unknown structure, time limitation, the difficulty to collect information under the debris and more. An important issue is the accurate collection of information beneath destroyed structures and the 3D representation of the space and the correct location of the human subject under the debris. This paper deals with the design and the capabilities of a ground bio-inspired micro-robot, called Tzitziki, capable to select visual and audio information beneath destroyed buildings and locate human subjects in areas (like deep underground cavities), the reconstruction of the underground cavities and the synergistic collaboration of drones, micro-robots and human first responders. Illustrative examples are provided proving the concept.

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