
The world, in any case, was never safe for small states because history has shown that it is very easy for major powers to manipulate with these states, both economically as well as militarily. While a small country is not able to afford a conflict on its own, the only way for it remains the diplomatic struggle to avoid or reduce the risk of conflict. The only way to avoid uncertainty, which for a small country in international relations is much greater than for a large country, is their association in international institutions. For small states of the Western Balkans there is only one strategic choice and that is Euro-Atlantic integration. In general, the security project and joint defence was the brainchild of major European states, but the objective to be positioned in the international system was the main motive that forced nearly all small states to join. The difference between states that have been able to survive and those who have perished is that some small states have survived due to their engagements, which led them towards the desired objective, that of military defence. Those who want peace must prepare for war. Preventive military measures of aggression constitute the most difficult problem for security matters, the independence of small and medium states such as Israel, Switzerland, Singapore, Kosovo, Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, etc., and the decision to utilize force if necessary is equally responsible, important as avoiding aggressors.

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