
Ontogenetic and die1 vertical distributions of the dominant copepods Oithona davisae, Acartia spp. (A. hudsonica and A. ornorii) and Paracalanus crassirost~s were studied in Maizuru Bay, middle Japan. A consistent ontogenet~c pattern was found during daytlme for all the species: mean distribution depths moved upwards w t h later naupliar stages and downwards during copepodite development. Details of this pattern vary w ~ t h the species. Vertical distribuhon of P. crassirostris eggs is similar to that of the 1st naupliar stage (NI), while in Acartia egg distribution depends on adult females; Acartia N1 is always concentrated in water close to the bottom independent of egg distribution. This indicates that P. crassirostris eggs may drift unhl hatching while most Acartia eggs sink to the bottom before hatching. The ontogenebc distributional pattern observed in the daytime is generally obscured at night due to stage-specific nocturnal migrations.

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