This paper presents the design and performance of the UAH-78AM, a low-power small Hall effect thruster. The goal of this work is to assess the feasibility of using low-cost 3D printing to create functioning Hall thrusters, and study how 3D printing can expand the design space. The thruster features a 3D printed discharge channel with embedded propellant distributor. Multiple materials were tested including ABS, ULTEM, and glazed ceramic. Thrust measurements were obtained at the NASA Glenn Research Center. Measured thrust ranged from 17.2–30.4 mN over a discharge power of 280 W to 520 W with an anode ISP range of 870–1450 s. The thruster has a similar performance range to conventional thrusters at the same power levels. However, the polymer ABS and ULTEM materials have low temperature limits which made sustained operation difficult.
Hall effect thrusters (HET) are a type of electric propulsion device currently used for satellite propulsion and station-keeping
The focus of the UAH-78AM testing was on powers and discharge voltages that could be sustained by small satellites
The thruster was run at points barely in the jet mode of hall thruster discharge, where efficiency is significantly improved from a diffuse mode but power requirements remain low [13]
Hall effect thrusters (HET) are a type of electric propulsion device currently used for satellite propulsion and station-keeping. Small HETs have gained interest in the last 20 years with the rise of small satellites. One of the advantages of small satellites is their significantly lower cost of design and production. HETs are still traditionally subtractive manufactured using the same materials as 30 years ago. One source of manufacturing cost and time for HETs are the anode and discharge channel assemblies. In most Hall thrusters, the propellant distributor is integrated into the anode assembly. This requires multi-part fabrication and welding to integrate the baffle assemblies, orifices, and other distributor assemblies into the anode
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