
1.1. Electroretinograms (ERGs), optic nerve activity and tectal activity were recorded from Necturus maculosus in response to light flashes of differing intensities and inter-stimulus intervals.2.2. The tectal response demonstrated a stronger masking effect of a flash by a preceding flash than the ERG.3.3. Post-stimulus time histograms of spike activity in the optic nerve correlated more significantly with power rather than amplitude measures of the tectal and optic nerve gross responses.4.4. Correlations to spike post-stimulus time histograms were also found with oscillations of the ERG but not with oscillations of the compound optic nerve potential or of the tectal response.5.5. The oscillations in retinal, optic nerve and tectal responses were not strongly correlated with each other.6.6. This suggests that the oscillations at each site originate with different cell types.

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