
Besedilo obravnava vprašanji o obsegu in karakterju Slovenske vojske (SV). Že nekaj časa se namreč pojavljajo zamisli o nadaljnjem zmanjševanju stalne sestave SV, ki zaradi omejenih finančnih sredstev dobivajo še dodaten zagon. V članku je kratek zgodovinski pregled obsega oboroženih formacij slovenskega naroda v luči izpolnjevanja nalog SV, kot so zapisane v Zakonu o obrambi (ZoObr). Obravnavam tudi karakter SV in osrednjega vira njene bojne moči, in sicer pehote. Vojske v zavezništvu in širše poznajo več tipov pehote, kar je treba upoštevati, ko razmišljamo o tem, kakšno pehoto bomo v SV imeli. Seveda se zavedamo finančnih omejitev, ki jim je SV izpostavljena, zato v sklepnem delu predstavljamo nekaj predlogov, kako uresničiti predlagana obseg in značaj SV, ki so namenjeni dodatni razpravi in bi bili potrebni bolj poglobljene analize. The text deals with the questions of the size and character of Slovenian Armed Forces (SAF). For some time now one has been able to track ideas of decreasing the size of the SAF active component, which have additionally gained momentum due to the limited defence resources. The texts looks at the size of Slovenian armed structures from the historic perspective in the light of the tasks set before SAF by the Defence Act. The article also deals with the SAF’s character and the source of its fighting power – the infantry. Allied and other armies list several types of infantry, the fact which should be taken into consideration when deliberating on the type of infantry in the SAF. Of course, we are aware of the financial restrictions imposed on the SAF; therefore the conclusion includes some suggestions on how to achieve the proposed size and character of the SAF. The suggestions, however, are intended more as a base for a discussion and would have to be further analysed.

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