Gravity-driven sliding of sediments down subaqueous slopes results in mass transport deposits (MTDs) recognised both in outcrop studies and from offshore margins where they may extend for 100's km. While seismic sections may reveal the large-scale geometry of such features, they fail to capture some of the structural and stratigraphic detail necessary for a fuller understanding of the processes involved. Using the late Pleistocene Lisan Formation sediments exposed around the Dead Sea Basin as our case study, we show that interplay between bed-parallel translational slides and associated normal faults may result in stratigraphic repetition through a process we term ‘slide stacking’. This mechanism, where retrogressive slope failure results in slides cutting across earlier normal faults, produces repeated sequences with older over younger stratigraphic relationships more usually attributed to compressional (thrust) deformation. Slide stacking results in a ∼25% attenuation of the upper sequence above the basal shear surface (BSS), which is itself associated with liquefaction and fluidised sediment. The displaced stratigraphy above the BSS is also marked by sedimentary rafts that are broken into blocks by normal faults and become increasingly separated from one another during downslope translation. The hangingwalls of synthetic listric faults form roll-overs that are progressively tightened towards the underlying BSS to create overturned anticlines that apparently verge upslope. The paradoxical situation therefore arises of contractional geometries, such as older over younger stratigraphic repetition across slides, and upslope-verging recumbent anticlines with locally overturned limbs being created during downslope-directed gravity-driven extension. The downslope margin of the slide stack displays earlier normal faults that created scarps where much of the sedimentary buttress, that would otherwise support the toe of the slide, was removed. Consequently, this leads to predominantly superficial and unrestrained downslope slipping, resulting in very localised contractional geometries that do not balance the overall extension, as in classical gravity-failure models. Localised deformation of the sedimentary sequence that unconformably overlies the slide stack indicates that downslope translation continued after the initial rapid slope failure, suggesting that the entire MTD remained inherently unstable. Slide stacking operates at km scales with stratigraphic repetition governed by the throw of earlier normal faults and the amount of downslope translation.
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