This work discusses a modified slave-boson representation of the t-J model, which accounts for spinon-holon bound states and gives rise to a metallic pseudogap phase with sharp, Fermi-arc like features in the electron spectral function.
Even though the single band Hubbard model and its strong coupling descendant, the t-J model, are among the most basic lattice models for interacting electrons, relatively little is known about their ground-state properties at electron densities slightly away from the Mott-insulator at half filling
In this work we show that our modified slave boson construction maps to the above-mentioned dimer model in a specific parameter regime, where the ground state is a U(1)-Fermi liquid (FL)* with a propagating, emergent photon-like mode
We focus on important phase fluctuations of χi j restricted to nearestneighbor bonds for square lattice systems
Even though the single band Hubbard model and its strong coupling descendant, the t-J model, are among the most basic lattice models for interacting electrons, relatively little is known about their ground-state properties at electron densities slightly away from the Mott-insulator at half filling. The t-J model takes the form of a gauge theory describing fermionic spinon as well as bosonic holon degrees of freedom and their mutual, gauge-field-mediated interaction [16] One problem with this approach is that experimental signs of spin-charge separation in the underdoped cuprates are inconclusive. Different approaches have been developed to account for spinon-holon bound states in parton constructions for the t-J model, such as Ribeiro and Wen’s spinon-dopon approach [24,25], or the phenomenological description of such bound states by Ng [26] While the former introduces new auxiliary degrees of freedom leading to a more complex representation of the electron operator, the latter studies consequences of a phenomenological attractive spinon-holon interaction within the standard U(1) slave boson framework.
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