
Metamorphic devolatilization of subducted slabs generates aqueous fluids that ascend into the mantle wedge, driving the partial melting that produces arc magmas. These magmas have oxygen fugacities some 10–1,000 times higher than magmas generated at mid-ocean ridges. Whether this oxidized magmatic character is imparted by slab fluids or is acquired during ascent and interaction with the surrounding mantle or crust is debated. Here we study the petrology of metasedimentary rocks from two Tertiary Aegean subduction complexes in combination with reactive transport modelling to investigate the oxidative potential of the sedimentary rocks that cover slabs. We find that the metasedimentary rocks preserve evidence for fluid-mediated redox reactions and could be highly oxidized. Furthermore, the modelling demonstrates that layers of these oxidized rocks less than about 200 m thick have the capacity to oxidize the ascending slab dehydration flux via redox reactions that remove H2, CH4 and/or H2S from the fluids. These fluids can then oxidize the overlying mantle wedge at rates comparable to arc magma generation rates, primarily via reactions involving sulfur species. Oxidized metasedimentary rocks need not generate large amounts of fluid themselves but could instead oxidize slab dehydration fluids ascending through them. Proposed Phanerozoic increases in arc magma oxygen fugacity may reflect the recycling of oxidative weathering products following Neoproterozoic–Palaeozoic marine and atmospheric oxygenation.

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