
The tourism sector can be a mainstay sector for Jember Regency. The existence of tourism potential needs the attention of local governments to be developed optimally. Problems that often exist in the world of tourism are supporting infrastructure and accessibility. Although Jember Regency has an airport as the entrance for tourists, the existence of tourist destinations needs infra-structure such as hotels, restaurants, promotions, and so on. A growing tourist destination is Sky-land paragliding in Wuluhan Subdistrict. Skyland paragliding tourist destinations carry the concept of aerospace sports and offer the beauty of the natural charm of the south side of Jember Regency. This research aims to analyze the strategy of developing Skyland paragliding tourism destinations using SWOT analysis techniques. The analysis method used is a qualitative approach, with snowball sampling data collection techniques. From the results of the SWOT analysis, Skyland paragliding tourist area is classified as able to compete competitively to be a tourist attraction in Jember Regency by maximizing the existing potential by building facilities, amenities, attractions, and accessibility to attract tourists. However, the lack of local government support, lack of inves-tors, and poorly organized management resulted in Wuluhan Paragliding Skyland tourism being less developed to the maximum

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