Cervical cancer is a malignant tumor that grows inside the cervix (the lowest part of the uterus attached to the top of the vagina). A Pap smear is a method in which a cell is taken from the cervix and examined under a microscope. Any woman who is 18 years old, or a woman who has been sexually active should begin a Pap smear. This check should be done every year, although there are no symptoms of cancer. An examination of more than a year if it reaches the age of 65 years or three previous consecutive checks shows normal results. The purpose of the study changed the behavior of the midwife profession in order to perform cervical cancer screening with pap smear examination at Tk II Putri Hijau Hospital Medan. The design of this research is qualitative through phenomenology approach. The result of the research was obtained by the informant as many as 8 people consisting of 1 male informant that is obgyn doctor, 7 person work as midwife consisting of informant 2 often doing pap smear examination. Informants who do not routinely perform pap smear examination of informants 3 informants 3 times, informant 4 as much as 1 times, informant 5 as much as 3 times, informant 6 as much as 2 times. While informant 7 has never done pap smear examination, and informant 8 as much as 1 times. Some of the reasons that changed the behavior of the midwife profession to the Pap smear examination were shyness (fear), fear, no complaints (abnormalities), kesetrilan (medical equipment), lazy and cost. Here is found the expression of the eight informants is a more dominant shame words. Suggestion for the Tk II Putri Hijau Medan, submitted to the leader to oblige all female sex workers who have been actively engaged in sexual intercourse to perform cervical cancer screening by Pap smear examination routinely according to procedure and done at Tk II Putri Hijau Hospital Medan for free with existing health insurance facilities.Keyword: Cervical cancer screening, Pap smear Examination, Midwife Profession.
Hijau Medan, submitted to the leader to oblige all female sex workers who have been actively engaged in sexual intercourse to perform cervical cancer screening by Pap smear examination routinely according to procedure and done at Tk II Putri Hijau Hospital Medan for free with existing health insurance facilities
Teori & Pengukuran Pengetahuan, Sikap, dan Perilaku manusia
Sumber informasi penelitian ini merupakan tenaga kesehatan yang berprofesi sebagai bidan sesuai dengan judul penelitian. Dari penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa ada beberapa alasan yang diungkapkan oleh profesi bidan terkait dengan pemeriksaan pap smear yaitu rasa malu untuk melakukan pemeriksaan, takut dengan proses pemeriksaan, belum ada keluhan atau kelainan yang dirasakan, kesterilan alat kesehatan yang akan digunakan, rasa malas dan mahalnya biaya pemeriksaan pap smear. Sebagai tenaga kesehatan seharusnya profesi bidan menjadi panutan atau role model terhadap masyarakat untuk melakukan pemeriksaan skrining kanker sedini mungkin namun dari hasil penelitian ini belum menunjukkan profesi bidan bisa menjadi panutan untuk masyarakat umum. 1. Bagi masyarakat peneliti menyarankan pentingnya skrining kanker serviks dengan melakukan pemeriksaan pap smear untuk mendeteksi perubahan sel-sel pada serviks, dan tidak terjadi keterlambatan dalam memberikan pengobatan. 3. Peneliti selanjutnya, agar termotivasi untuk melakukan penelitian berikutnya melihat apakah tenaga kesehatan khususnya bidan mau memeriksakan dirinya melakukan skrining kanker serviks dengan pemeriksaan pap smear
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