The use of plants as medicinal ingredients has been known by the public for a long time. One of the plants that have economic value and is rarely found is the bisbul plant. However, in this study, the part used was the parasite associated with the bisbul plant. The parasite plant, which has been known as a parasite, turns out to have efficacy, very potential as medicine, because it contains flavonoid compounds, namely quercetin and rutin. Flavonoids act as providers. antioxidants. experience. which. protect. kidney from free radicals. So the purpose of this study was to determine the antioxidant activity of endophytic fungi associated with parasites from bisbul plants using the DPPH method in the form of direct research. This study used another 22 samples of endophytic fungal isolates associated with the parasite Dendrophthoe pentandra bisbul plant (Diospyros blancoi) that had been cultivated for 3 weeks. Results. study. show that. endophytic fungus extract associated with parasite on bisbul plants showed the chemical compounds in it by looking at the TLC profile obtained using dichloromethane-methanol (10:1) eluent. This is evidenced by the spots formed on the TLC profile with 4 observations, namely by UV light 254 nm, UV light 366 nm, after spraying with serium sulfate and vanillin sulfate. Based on the results of the antioxidant activity test against endophytic fungi associated with bisbul parasite, it showed that there were 10 extracts that had antioxidant activity.
The use of plants as medicinal ingredients has been known by the public for a long time
parasite associated with bisbul plants
which has been known as a parasite
Bahan yang dipergunakan antara lain 22 sampel isolat jamur endofit yang terdiri dari daun, bunga, dan batang yang berasosiasi dengan benalu (Dendrophthoe pentandra) tumbuhan bisbul (Diospyros blancoi) yang sudah dikultivasi selama 3 minggu, etil asetat, alkohol 70% dan 96%, aseton, akuades, kloramfenikol, aseton, gas nitrogen, katekin, nitrogen, diklorometan, metanol, plat kromatografi lapis tipis, kertas saring pereaksi penampak noda vanilin sulfat, pereaksi penampak noda serium sulfat, DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl) (Merck), alumuinium foil, INT (Iodo Nitro Tetrazolium) steril tissue, label, karet, plastik dan kapas. Alat dalam penelitian ini antara lain microtube, labu erlenmeyer (Pyrex), beaker glass 250 ml (Duran-germ), mikropipet+tip (Pyrex), pipa kapiler (Pyrex), plat silika (TLC) (Pyrex), botol vial, baki stainless, effendroft (Pyrex), inkubator, timbangan analitik (Pyrex), Rotary Evaporator (Duran-germ), magnetic stirer, UV cabinet, Laminar Air Flow (LAF), chamber (Pyrex), gelas ukur (Pyrex), hair dryer, blender, corong pisah, pipet tetes, cawan petri, pinset, corong, labu 50 ml, sendok, shaker, desikator, gelas ukur (Pyrex), hot plate, microwave, inkubator shaker, oven, kalkulator, jarum ose, saringan, autoklaf, gelas arloji, spatula, tabung ukur, vortex, penggaris, gunting, spidol, dan pensil, buku catatan, kamera
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