
Reproductive resource investment among vegetative propagules and male and female sexual function and their size‐dependence were investigated in a perennial forest herb, Laportea bulbifera. A theoretical model based on fitness gain curves predicts that optimal investments in three reproductive modes will increase with plant size if fitness returns in all three modes increase but become saturated with investment. In a field population, large plants of L. bulbifera produced both male and female inflorescences with propagules, while small plants produced only vegetative propagules. Biomass of propagules, male inflorescences, and infructescences with achenes were all positively correlated with plant size. The increase in investment with plant size was larger for propagule production than for sexual reproduction. The relationship between propagule biomass and plant size was constant irrespective of year, while the relationship between the biomass of sexual reproductive organs and plant size differed between two successive years. Annual change of individual sex expression was investigated for 25 transplanted plants. Although each plant changed its sex expression variously among male, female and bisexual from year to year, 23 out of 25 plants produced both male and female inflorescences in at least one year. The number of viable (germinated and survived) offspring from seeds was not significantly different from the number from propagules. The production cost of a propagule was higher than that of a seed. Resource allocation theory does not seem to be applicable to size‐dependent resource allocation, especially the allocation between seeds and propagules in this species.

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