
The Comparision of Epineural anastomosis of Sciatica nerve performed with fibrin glue and suture as electrophysiological ✓ 40 scitica nerves were performed the epineural anostomosis in 20 rats. Fibrin glue was used to first group. 8/0 vicryl was used to second group. At the end of the 45 days, the results were compared as electrophysiological and histological. We found that the latency and evoke voltage in to group that used fibrin glue were lower than other group and there was no significant difference between two groups as histopathological ✓ 20 Sicanda 40 siyatik sinir iki grup halinde epinoral anastomoz yapildi. Birinci grupta doku yapistiricisi, ikinci grupta 8/0 vicryl kullanildi. 45 gunun sonunda sonuclar elektrofizyolojik histolojik olarak karsilastirildi. Doku yapistiricisi (Tissel Kit) kullanilarak yapilan anostomozlu gruptaki latensi ve uyarilma voltaji diger gruba gore daha dusuktu. Histopatolojik olarak fark yoktu.

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